I just revisited these pics because there is something about an outfit like this that feels so comfortable and *me* at my most effortless. Obviously, this is a really casual look. My life would allow me to wear this every day but I like mixing it up more, and some days I want color or a different silhouette. I'm trying to pinpoint why this works for me so well and how I can continue to translate what works for this look into other outfits and occasions for me.
One thing I think that's working is the combination of simplicity and detail. Relatively few pieces. It's a tee and jeans, so in theory it can't get much simpler. But when I do something as simple as a tee and jeans, I make sure the tee has something distinctive -- in this case, the mixed media, which I ABSOLUTELY LOVE. Seriously, I'm holding myself back from grabbing up every mixed media piece I see in the stores. I wonder if this trend may have staying power for someone with my kind of style, or whether it will look hopelessly 2013 in a couple of years.
Anybody else have any thoughts or observations? I don't foresee myself defaulting to this as a uniform but lately I am looking to learn from each outfit's successes and failures.
Oh, and I meant to say thank you for the comments on my hair! I just got it cut and colored the day before, and the cut is pretty much what I've had of late, but we switched up the color -- there is a very subtle ombre going on in layers at the ends, and it works well with my hair wavy, as I left it yesterday since it was a warm and humid day. Maybe next time I'll go less subtle with it.