Oh Denise - you're cracking me up! I love your weight loss/anti-aging tips! However, I'm going to disagree with tip #2 (leaning a bit forward). This stratedgy works only on those people who are smaller on the top than on the bottom! If you (me) are much bigger on the top (through the shoulders and arms) than on the bottom - well, then you lean forward just a teeny-tiny bit and whoa! - you look like a linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers! Case in point - see attached photo. No, that's not the Hulk - that's me, leaning forward just a titch - notice how my legs look like toothpicks - and my arms/shoulders look like steroids nirvana?? Yea - so, I need to lean back not forward!
I do agree with you on the anti-aging tips - you gotta' love that soft focus lens!

OK - now to your outfits. These are all the kinds of outfits that I want to wear. I remember that sci-fi sweatshirt from last year (it was during my self-imposed SYC - but, oh was I ever tempted!) - now seeing it on you, reminds me of "the one that got away." ;-( Also, you have shown me a cool way to wear stripes - I have no stripes in my wardrobe because they have always felt just too preppy for me - but seeing that oufit - I need to reconsider!

Thanks for posting!

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You look so stunning in all of these! I can't even pick a favourite, they're all so fabulous.

Your tips made me laugh too!

Great antiaging tips. I think you've covered them all here.

Fun outfits. I really like adding a little sparkle for holiday time so #1 is my favorite of the bunch here.

You crack me up!

I am in love with #1! I love all of the outfit pins.

Gah, #1 is so so FAB! I've been trying to add silver sparkle to my holiday wear this year and it's not going so well. So I'll just have to live viacariously through you.

You're tips made me smile, but you do not need them one bit. You must have a soda fountain of youth at that restaurant!

Denise, you are one of my style icons! I can't get enough of your outfits and especially that you challenge your environmental norm without fuss or fanfare, just being yourself.

You are truly fabulous, beautiful and FUNNY!

I am in awe of the way you take Angie's ensembles, make them YOUR OWN, and look both elegant and casual, which is my style goal. I'm loving that top in #1 and #5 (who makes the striped one?).

Now, about your photo-taking tips, next time you're in town, we're going to do this IRL. I also think the App store for iPhone needs a camera app for these additional "features."

Taking notes and practicing!