Just wanted to say you look amazing! (I couldn't last 4 minutes in shoes that high.)

Una -- mile high club -- yes that was the joke I was trying to make. Those of us who are older will remember a racy book called "Coffee, Tea or Me" which was about flight attendant fun in the skies. I'm sure it didn't help dispel the myth of the sexually available flight attendant (Claire, I am sure, would have some wise and funny words on this topic)!

Anna, good point about the black shoes needing some continuity. Maybe black sunglasses?

Isabel, thanks for asking about my brother. He summited Everest for the 3rd time in late May. He did it alone and without supplemental oxygen. He said, if he would have been with a larger group, he could not have done it without the Os, as the extra responsibility of being expedition leader as well as looking after less experienced climbers, would have been taxing and would have required the Os. Trivia fact: the cost of a tank of supplemental oxygen on Everest is around $1000 US (raw material plus sherpa transport). Some less experienced climbers go many cannisters to get to the top. I think he said the Nepalese Canadian woman who perished this year had used 29, so sad she didn't make it.

Yes Denise, when I read your post I was surprised at your candour in that regard and thought we were going all '50 shades of greyish!'

Seriously though your outfits are always FAB and fun.

LOL Lyn D.! I thought the whole "mile high club" reference was so 70s as to make it benign... you know the way retro stuff is benign. Hope I didn't offend any one!

Hee hee hee. Love a post with a saucy title. And a bonus cool outfit too! And then an amazing story of moutaineering thrown in!!! That's got to be some kind of record doesn't it?