The fall equinox may be next week (September 22nd) but daytime temps are still in the high 20’s with humidity that ‘feels like’ 30degC (or mid 80’sF). After a spate of dark travelling outfits, it’s lightness, pastels and earth tones for me!

#1 worn for an early am haircut - by the time I left the stylist’s the jacket was over my arm, and when I got home, I switched into (white) shorts.

#2 worn for an urban ramble on a very warm day. I won’t bore you with the many versions of olive linen pants outfits, but needless to say - the bottoms get worn a lot!

#3 the Bridge Club gets booted out of the community centre once every year (in September) when the Fall Fair comes to town. We use the opportunity to have an annual dinner party at the local golf club. (DH wore a matching lilac shirt and light grey pants and shoes )

In the past week I also wore #4 a white sheath dress, #5 cream coloured jeans and lilac T-shirt, the #6 cream coloured jeans and yellow floral hoodie, and #7 the yellow floral hoodie and olive linen pants! (Capsule in Finds below - no Find for olive chinos.)

It looks like another week-to-10 days of summer-like hot weather before the linens, shorts, sleeveless tops, and sandals get packed away for the season. Are you still wearing hot weather outfits, or have you switched over to transitional/fall kit? (And thanks for looking!)

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