Thanks, ladies! The "black" jacket is actually navy, by the blue, I guess. Don't you wish it were easier to photograph dark colours? Sheesh!!

Deborah, very interesting question. I felt absolutely myself in this silhouette, no problem with that at all. My one reservation concerned the Doc Marcies. I wasn't 100% sure about how I felt in those booties. And I wish in a way I had worn my knee-high boots instead. But mine are black, not white, like Angie's and they felt a bit heavy for the look I wanted. So I chose the Marcies instead. The result was a bit of discomfort. I'm self-conscious about my legs in these, and also the tongues of them wander -- I cannot do them up tight enough to stay put. I guess the shaft is a bit wide for me or something.

Anyway - while I felt a smidge of annoyance about the booties, I didn't feel in the least sloppy in the overall silhouette. In fact, your question truly interests me because it would not even occur to me that I could feel sloppy in an outfit like this. For me, the issue (if any) would have been quite the reverse, in that I was by far the dressiest person at both events I attended. Mostly the skirt, but also the silk scarf, and the high wedge of the booties, and even the jacket...any jacket seems to read as dressy around here, even if it is denim. I did get some "aren't you dolled up" looks, in fact. But only one actual remark, and it was favourable.
Late to the party as well. I also like the longer denim jacket in #4. I think something like the black jacket would appeal to me more if it were in another color. It's like the jacket and skirt almost match, but not quite, so it's better to contrast instead. (Unless the colors on my monitor are off...)

Love the boots with the outfit. And the polka dot scarf is sassy.

Late thought-
I appreciate this skirt outfit, 'cause it is much easier to grab a F.F.B.O. on a daily basis.
Angie's ideas are inspiring me to be more adventurous too!
LOVE this outfit with or without the jacket, but I prefer the shorter jackets with it as opposed to the longer look in #4.
Another vote for 4! You look fab.