Wowza, they are going to be so cool to style in that colour, I can see all its exotic and "wild" potential. Enjoy!

Thanks Dee, Sisi and Star!

Thanks slim cat. It can be quite hard to find the right “level” of distressing. I like patina but not a lot of ripping. When I find the wash/patina is right usually the fit is wrong, or vice versa. Good luck on your quest!

Fantastic! I love your creative approach and the way you make an item your own. The jeans look even better with the red!

I too like the red jeans even more. The Esprit posts reminded me of my over dyed solid red, pink, and purple overalls, three items that were a uniform when I was early twenties. Really nice rich colour on the jeans. Still waiting for a moment to get some dye for the new pink capsule, will use your formula of the last dye post.
Thanks for the sharing!

I love these in both colors! So fun and interesting. I also love your dyeing examples! Makes me want to take a look at my wardrobe with new eyes.

Wild is a great word for inspiration!

Thanks RobinF. Dyeing is a great way to repurpose/revitalise an item, especially if you are not wearing it.

Thanks OG. I am thinking of overdyeing some cargo pants for Winter too. It does make them more unique.

Thanks Janet!

Definitely an improvement! All hail the YLF Queen of Overdyeing

Yes, I know what you mean about the patina - I've been tempted to try slightly ripped or frayed jeans in the past, but have never quite found the right combination of it with a more golden yellowish undertone to the denim, plus brownish sandblasting. Taking matters into your own hands (instead of letting them clothes boss you around) seems like the perfect demonstration of 'Wild' for 2024!

Completely fantastic!! I love the red overdye (and love the original pair too, but the red is extra special, and yes, wild!). Wild is a perfect 2024 word for you: What could be more fun than taking fashion risks and dressing to please yourself?