Even though I am a pants girl, I doubt I even look great in them. I like my butt in underwear and bathing suits because I try my darnedest to keep it in shape! And it is the best I can get it. But when it comes to pants, where oh where is my Back?? Baby wants Back!!
My rear appears flat and shapeless in most every Jean or trouser. I have a few pairs of trousers that work better than jeans do. But most boyfriends are a sag story from behind unless they are freshly washed.
I have tried embellished pockets, no pockets and flap pockets. I have tried skirts, but would hate to feel they were a default.
I'm just going to grin and bear it knowing that my rump is really high and mighty under clothes. What more can I do?
if this is your figure challenge, and I hope it is not, please share how you dress your booty to its best effect! Name your favorite pant brands if you will.