KM, I do know the look you described, I wore this type of thing a lot around 2005-2009 I think. It was quite a detailed look, with scarves and pretty bracelets, skirts with motifs, or stitching, tops with gentle ruffles. But it was not too girlish.
I think you are on a tight budget, and I am in NZ so now the most in touch with US retailers, but Anthropologie has this type of look.
Now I think the prices are quite high, but I wonder if this type of look will help you think about the direction you want to go in. I think pieces like this could be thrifted, or bought from cheaper places as well.
I may have it completely wrong - let me know either way.
In terms of the shoes, make sure you buy a pair you LOVE. When on a tight budget I think each piece needs to be something that you adore and are happy to wear and wear.