I am looking for some retro style colourful sneakers. My current casual sneakers are white and black/white.

They don't have to go with everything as the black and white cover most things between them, but I want them to go with my new ecru wide legs (photo 8) and my mid wash blue straight full length jeans as well as ideally my cargo pants and plaid trousers. Aside from this I have lots of grey, navy, white, black etc - I attached a couple of jackets as well in finds and a sweater that I don't wear enough.

I am drawn to 1 3 4 here but open to ideas. I do like the gum sole.

I chose this brand (Goodsoles) because I can buy them from a NZ retailer and they have some environmental credentials.

Any thoughts? I wear matchy matchy, pops of colour and some clashes....

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