I would not call myself a bag person per se but I do purchase very nice bags. For my 30th wedding anniversary I purchased a Loewe Puzzle bag. The puzzle bag wins in every way. I love it and use it almost every day most of the year and have done since its purchase almost exactly 3 years ago. It’s a perfect size, shape and configuration. The one drawback is its weight. In the summer, I switch to an Eric Javits faux straw bag. If I am traveling I use an MZ Wallace nylon bag, and I have several styles to choose from. For a work tote I am using an MZ Wallace Metro quilted bag. I also have a travel backpack made of nylon, and a small handbag for running errands. (So, when I go to work outside my house, I carry two bags, the tote and my handbag.).
In my handbag: wallet, large sunglasses, lot of keys (cars, offices, files keys, house, and 2 key fobs (random number generators for work), two cell phones, an asthma rescue inhaler, migraine rescue meds, hand cream, small hand sanitizer (although I lost this recently....I think I lent it to DS), lip balm, band aids, tooth floss, small notepad, blue and black pen, phone chargers if needed, name tags on hanging neck string for two agencies, an extra folding reusable shopping bag and often a sun hat and or sunscreen. Sometimes a digital dictation device, Portable eyeglass wipes (for me and also for the youth I see).
In the work bag I carry my Laptop computer, portable WiFi jetpack, extra Ethernet cord, portable mouse, water bottle, lunch, legal notepad, file folio with paper copies of forms I use for work. A folding umbrella. An extra folding reusable shopping bag. I also store any extra shoes, gloves, hats or jackets in that bag.
I basically carry my office with me!