My husband bought me a pretty little vintage inspired handbag from Harrods on a trip to London recently and while I find it cute, I'm just not able to decide if it's a hand bag, a vanity case for cosmetics or a party bag! The size is what confuses me!

Materially, it's faux leather and not shiny as it seems to be with the photographs here. It has compartments for a phone and pocketbook inside and a single clasp hidden magnetic button in the centre portion that still allows for things inside to fall out if over turned, unlike a vanity case that must be sealed completely to keep it's contents together.

While I cannot exchange or return it, I really want to find a use for it. My husband gently grumbles sometimes that I don't use many of the gifts he gets for me and most of them are likeable, pretty and possibly stylish, but they don't go with anything I already own and wouldn't be the items I'd reach for if I were out shopping at that retailer. I still don't want to discourage him though and since his preferences aren't hideous, otherworldly and not ridiculously expensive either, I keep them and find a use for it. around the house. These days we've come to a better agreement though-

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