I sometimes read about the luxury market, and I often wonder if my idea of luxury is the same as everyone else's. The answer is probably no, since we are all different and if we all thought the same things then the world would be kind of boring. I guess this is on my mind lately because I just finished reading "Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster" and I found it to be an interesting read. It talked about how so many luxury brands decided that they needed growth, so they started coming out with perfumes and makeup and skincare and small accessories and etc. so they could expand into new demographics. They still have their luxury products with their luxury price tags, but they have all these entry level type products now, too.

So now I'm curious about what you ladies perceive to be "luxury", so I'll start with my idea of luxury.

First and foremost, quality materials. Silk, cashmere, leather, and other natural fabrics. In a world where population is outpacing the planet's ability to support us all with its available natural resources, these materials increasingly seem like a luxury. The fact that we are drowning in a sea of synthetic fabric fast fashion probably contributes to this idea that natural materials are luxurious.

My other idea of luxury is white (or really, any light color). I've never been able to keep whites white, so white has always seemed so luxurious to me. Like, you have to be rich as Croesus to afford to keep whites white, right? So whites and lights are luxurious to me.

Over to you, what is your idea/definition of luxury?