It's exciting to see what you all ordered, let me share what I ordered at NAS.

-A bunch of shoes, looking for comfort and a sole with a good grip.
PG Natasha, Via Spiga mules and flats,
Vince flats. I will see which work and will choose one pair or two at the most if the mules work as well.

-Jeans with a slit: Frame and a pair of Wits. I don't know how the Wits will fit but it seems to me that they are more for straighter figures so will probably not fit me. Does anyone know how the Wits fit?

-Halogen skirt with a ruffle, seems like a fun addition.
-Halogen red top, I seem to not get enough of red tops lately.
Sorry that I cannot link from my phone,
I will add pictures instead.

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