This question is inspired by two recent threads. One, the Modesty Project, where a young lady deliberately covers herself to defy expectations and be what she terms "modest." And two, Dress Your Truth, where a guru-type offers advice on dressing, alongside other tips on money, spiritualism, and talking to angels.

It seems to me that both of these women are approaching their clothing as the ticket to some kind of life solution. They seem to be saying, WEAR THIS and you will BE THAT - smart, spiritual, successful, happy. They're not saying, look like this and you will look nice, they're saying, look like this and you will change who you are.

Does anyone think this makes sense? I personally never expect my jeans to be the pathway to something bigger. I like my clothing to be well-made, interesting, comfortable, and flattering, but that's it as far as life-altering expectations go.