Gosh, currently obsessed with finding some key wardrobe items after completing a MASSIVE closet clean out that included 7 trash bags full to a local charity and piles and piles of other things to consignment, not to mention 21 pairs of shoes out the door! Now looking for:
Flattering tall off-white or ecru jeans
Flattering olive green bottoms
Non-Stretch tees with longish short sleeves. Also, nice tops in general for going out. Hard to find things that look current but aren’t for teens or on the other end of the spectrum…dowdy
Stylish and super comfy shoes (must pad my heel) that won’t aggravate my plantar fasciitis (I did get some Bzees wedges that work, so I bought them in nude and black)
Replacement “funeral” dress. Nordstrom has just what I want but not in my size, so I am stalking it
It doesn’t help that I am so darn picky about color, fit, and care requirements, but my search continues.