Without a doubt, my number 1 book ever(and I have read them ALL) is the Pocket Stylist by Kendall Farr. It was the first book to get my shape down right, and helped me figure out what looked best.Plus it has sections on wardrobe necessities, high and low end versions of the same clothing, information on tailoring etc.The end sections on jewelry,hair etc are less substantial but that wasn't why I bought the book anyway so I didn't mind.It is the best out there.I bought it about three years ago, have read it cover to cover and still refer back to it many times.
I have heard the Budget Fashionista is very good but I have not read the book.I do follow her website though.
I have found the Lucky books pretty and with some good information, but not regarding suiting to body type etc. Alot of the celebrity stylist books focus on one aspect or another, i.e body type like Randolph Duke's book, or clothing without regard to body type, lifestyle or budget(who can buy high end designer wear these days? Please!).