I read two things today that converged in what felt to me like a very dramatic manner. The second was Day Vies' remark that her all-blue outfit was "as androgynous as my body will allow."


This reminded me of a blog post that I read this morning.

You see, DD has turned me on to blogs that follow the style of HRH Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (okay, laugh). And one of the bloggers is a very petite young woman who uses a wheelchair or a walker to get around. Today she took a typical Kate outfit--then changed it up to be an outfit a petite woman might wear--then changed that to be an outfit that someone with mobility concerns might wear.


She writes, "I have a hard time with buttons and zippers and well you can forget about seeing me in a shoe with any heel worth mentioning as my balance is already severely compromised, and stumbling around in heels that you don’t know how to walk in is not fashionable AT ALL. So here is how I would make the outfit above work for me."


I commented, "It is the ultimate in chic to mix fashion with the requirements of your own body, whatever they may be!" So you see how Day Vies' remark fits in exactly!

The thing is that I'm so often cranky about my body's requirements. This morning's blogger puts me to shame. And Day Vies, with that blogger, shows me the way to a more realistic, accepting, productive attitude. Their vivid examples will help me remember.