
Today's outfit for a hot fall day was inspired by Angie's blog post today: Outfit Formula: Trendy Black and White.

#1 to #5 - White WHBM Denim Jacket, Stripe WHBM Top, Black WHBM Mid-Rise Pret-A-Play Shorts
Black and white is a classic look and it's very easy for me to put together outfits around those two colors. Yet, while this outfit looks fine to me, I felt "off" all day. Mainly because this look isn't in line with my current style preferences. I find it interesting that an outfit can look fine, but just not feel fine.

#6 to #8 - Swapping Stripes for a Colorful Tee
I decided to tweak this outfit for the future. I swapped the striped top for one of my favorite Life is Good Tees and now this outfit feels more like "me" at this point in my style journey. Since the polar bear on the tee and the denim jacket are white, and I kept the same black shorts, I'm going to consider this option my version of trendy black and white for fall.

Thanks for looking!

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