I took an hour or so this week to do a small review and edit in my wardrobe. I looked carefully through all my jackets and the few blazers and vests I have. Nothing got put in the donate pile, but one went in the camping/Airstream capsule (it lives in the closet of the Airstream so no longer occupies closet space), and several went into the holding zone.

The ones that went into the holding zone are fitted and feeling a little snug or are just not styles I’m feeling at the moment (my red plaid Veronica Beard dickey blazer for example). I’m hanging onto them because I still like them and feel I may want them again in the future. Cool weather is just starting, so I don’t want to be hasty unless I’m quite certain I’m over a style.

I rearranged the remaining jackets so they are lined up by color. I used to have them divided into bombers, motos, blazers, etc. They do look more organized this way, so I’ll see if this helps my closet feel more cohesive.

I put away my shorts and most summery pants, and pulled out my knitwear from out-of-season storage, and I don’t really see much to let go of, since I did a pretty good edit last year. There is definitely a gap in color I would like to have. I have a lot of blue, and some neutrals. I’d like to find a good lightweight option in solid burgundy and one in a deep cool green of some sort, but so far nothing has come up. I’ll keep an eye out.