For decades, my wardrobe has been based on black and white with the addition of one accent color for interest (black/white/red; black/white/pink; black/white/medium blue). This worked well for me because I was either in college or I was a college grad but poor.

Starting in 2016/2017, I made a serious effort to stop buying so much black. But today I find myself drawn to two items that are very black and would be huge statement pieces.

I started to transition away from black in 2016/2017. Dark navy slowly replaced the black. Because of this transition, I shouldn't even consider adding black back in except now mixing navy and black seems acceptable. Although acceptable, I have difficulty making the combination look truly intentional.

Are these two pieces in conflict with my wardrobe goals? (1) They are both very black. (2) I am not that good at making navy and black look intentional (unless it is denim).

Budget wise, I can easily afford one. Buying both simultaneously would stretch my budget (not irreparably , but still .....). Between the two, I would pick the duster.

I saw your comments Jill58 and Staysfit on the other thread. Thank you.