I've been working on getting more focused on what pieces and outfits work best and why, choosing items ( either new ones or selecting keep/ toss) to fit in with that. Recently I've been thinking I've got too many patterns or even colors or some of the wrong colors.
At times when there seems to be closet chaos it is tempting to think things would be better if all looked more calming , like a gentle sea of neutrals or solids or uniform shapes.
Often that is what the more minimalist photo sets use in their examples because it is easy to envision these all working together. Yet I've seen others that feature bold and
varied items as well though on the surface they may not be as easy to tell how they fit in.
Instead of overreacting and going too minimal or bland , I'm trying to remember it's not whether all looks calm( calm being different from tidy) but whether all the items have a purpose and are being worn. So not to throw the baby out with the bath water where i might achieve superficial cohesion -- that calming sea--but
not a real working wardrobe. As in, I would get the bug to toss some items and then realized I'd actually chosen them pretty carefully for some specific outfits or purposes.
Still, I want to get more focused and so think I'll again use the holding zone concept to remove some items and then decide whether they do or don't belong later. But there are also some things I just know I need to get rid of in order to move ahead.
I have a day off for errands and miscellaneous catching up, including some closet review & edit.

How about you-- do you ever find yourself confusing how things look on the hangers with how they actually function and look on you? Or do you think there is in fact a big connection there?