I have a very nice croc-embossed leather Dofan France handbag that is in excellent condition and in need of a stylish home. My grandmother took great care of her handbags, storing them in tissue paper carefully when not is use, and would be saddened to learn I was not using this much desired handbag of hers. In 10 years, I've never actually used it once. She loved accessories and even at 103 years old still changed her handbags to match her outfits. She would just die (again!) if she knew how little attention this cute bag was receiving. So, if anyone has a sweet spot for this bag, I would love to pass it on. My preference would be to receive mailing costs. I think this is a Kelly style, but perhaps I am wrong. I've been looking online at similar handbags and that's a best guess on my parts. It has brass closure and fittings. No rips, tears or other marks. Internal leather pocket has zipper that works well. Please let me know if you are interested.
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