I have two HUGE events and need to know your opinions on what I'm keen to wear. Except I can't figure out how to get a good picture so you can actually see what I'm wearing...
So I have two quick questions on how you take you photographs and I need answers quick because the first event is in less than 12 hours, and the other one is my school grad in a fortnight and I really don't want to end up wearing my mothers' dress choice. The ball twice in a row was bad enough.
1) Do you use a mirror (selfie-style), and if so where is it in your room for the best light eg across from window, near lamp, etc
2) Is a portrait better for getting the outfit or should I do several so it's in details as well?
Thanks. Sorry for being kinda off-topic with this but I really need to know because so far there's nothing worth uploading since it's pretty unclear if I'm even human in the photos let alone for giving clothing opinions...