I use small crossbody bags all day every day. Leather is heavy but looks nice. I like Bagalinni and other fabric bags. Straps that are nylon do not seem to pill fabrics as much as a chain or leather. I like several pockets in order to separate my large sized iPhone and smaller glucose meter. I often also carry a tube of glucose tablets for an emergency and tissues and a mask. Very occasionally I will also carry a credit card, drivers license, insurance cards and a bit of cash, keys and sunglasses.any more than that and I need a second, larger bag. Think fabric crossbody bags, especially nylon
I will look for Kipling although all of mine are second hand. I few are beautiful embroidered silk with a silk cord strap.a local artist makes and sells beautifully designed bags ( Maruca). . A vertical bag is easier to access if it has a top opening than a horizontal bag. Make sure there is a closure, usually a zipper..