Ok, so I had a feeling that there may be some new fall clothes at Pennington's (the store I shop at for pants) and sure enough, I came home with two items.
I really like the trousers. They feel like a knit. I think the length is OK: I like them sort of slouchy like this--but if they look odd, let me know!

The top is another matter. I quite liked it in the dressing room, but, now, here at home, it feels a bit thin--and maybe it doesn't stand far enough away from my curves to be all that flattering, iykwim?

Insofar as my needs go, I have only one other bottom suitable for fall (straight leg dark wash jeans) and four turtle necks. I have more pieces coming from Land's End. You know, I could have titled this "Janice Riggs was right" because I've really been feeling the urge to get my trousers sorted so I'd have something by which to judge the suitability of all the tops coming soon.

These pieces are for my "Mom-On-The-Go" capsule, and will never be worn to work--so at-home wear and errands and outings. My wardrobe plan for Fall/Winter is here. (Warning: It's long.)

PS: I don't know what's going in with my bra--the tops of the cups seem to stand out and away from the tops of the girls. Nevermind, I just figured out the straps are too loose.

Housekeeping note: To what category do K/R posts belong? Shopping or dressing?

Thanks everyone. Sorry I am rambling.

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