I'm going to continue to track my clothing purchases this year, as it's keeping me honest, and posting it here is a good way of keeping me accountable and having a good record for myself.

As we enter the last week of February, I'm noting that I've made a few purchases this month and am deciding that any more things that tempt me will need to wait for March. Taking my time is helping me evaluate the usefulness of potential wardrobe additions.

I purchased three things in January, totaling under $200. February has been a bit more expensive. I purchased five items, totaling under $500.

- Halogen argyle sweater
- Dolce Vita Huey booties
- AG grey Harper straight leg jeans
- Adidas track pants
- Sorel snow hikers

So far, unsurprisingly, the Sorels are the overwhelming winners even though I've only had them a week -- the purchase coincided with snowy/icy/rainy weather and I've had them out on four occasions already. Super practical if not fashiony.

I'm enjoying the others as well. The DV booties will get more wear when I can get out of the house more. I'm wearing the grey jeans today and hope to finally get out of the driveway for some errands. I've enjoyed the sweater in two wearings so far. And the track pants are good multipurpose items, for around-the-house wear as well as hiking or other activity.

All are what I consider to be practical purchases but with some style appeal. I don't want to be lured into complacency of shopping more by justifying more "practical" items, so I'll be keeping a critical eye on myself going into March, when I can be tempted by new spring clothes, even though I have little occasion to wear them.

I'm super tempted by the Kit & Ace jacket Angie posted (see below in Finds), and how good would that be with those grey jeans? But it's pricey and I have a lot of jackets. However, these days I'm really liking the longer toppers and it's not always easy to find a fit, color, and pattern that appeals to me. I wonder if K&A ever goes on sale.