Jeanne, I'm curious about storage options too! Right now, I keep mine folded on a shelf in a tall cabinet. Unfortunately they're on the lowest shelf, because that's the only one big enough for all the jeans. That means it's hard to see what I've got. Plus it's a big stack, and half the time if I want something from the lower portion of the stack, I end up messing up the whole pile, and having to refold everything. I don't have enough closet bar space to hang them all up.
I've been thinking that a cubby system might be nice, although I don't think I have the space to implement it right now. I'm thinking a bunch of little cubbies (like in a mailroom!) with one pair of rolled up jeans each. Then you could see each one and take it out separately without disrupting everything else, although I'm not sure rolling would make things readily identifiable if there were multiples of the same color. On the other hand, my current pile system doesn't lend itself to easy identification either.
ETA: found this link with storage ideas. The shoe cubby one is similar to what I was thinking, but I'd want something non hanging,