I folded mine so that the size and brand of each pair are visible when you open the drawer.
I'm pleased to say that I don't currently have any jeans that I'm "waiting to fit into again" or that I'm "holding onto until they come back in style." I had already ditched all my boyfriend jeans because I hate wearing belts in belt loops (decorative belts are okay), so that helped diminish the organizational challenge. Everything I have is wearable and current right now.
I also took everything out of that drawer that wasn't specifically jeans. I had, mixed in there with the jeans, ponte pants and leggings -- hence the perpetual jumble. Moved the leggings to an open shelf, and moved the pontes to hangers. Problem solved. It's always better, when practical, to have just one category of item assigned to a space. I'm not sure why, it just is.
My new, large walk-in closet is fantastic in its way, but it is weirdly short on rod space to hang things, and weirdly generous on open shelving. My default used to be to hang just about everything, including tee shirts, because I am not talented at folding and my drawers are a rooted-through mess. Now I don't have the space for that method, and so must rethink my clothing storage habits.
What did you learn in sorting through your jeans?