I’ve been buying a few dresses this year in different styles, hoping to wear dresses more in spring/summer. I decided to try the Round Trip Midi Dress in the Stonehenge print.

As Angie said, The Round Trip Midi Dress is a clever design that can be worn several ways. Slip it on as is, like a relaxed columned shift. Pull the pockets inside out and use them to belt the dress in the front or back for waist definition. Wear the high neck in front with an alluring open back. Shorten the side seams with an adjustable pleat to showcase some leg.

Clever little thing indeed! Some clothing designer(s) had some fun engineering this. In addition to the pocket/ties, there is also a very small pocket that zips closed on one side seam just below the pocket/ties. I would keep that pocket zipped . I don't like pockets on dresses and would not have kept this dress if I didn't like wearing the pocket/ties as a waistband. For those who like the straight look, there are some inside buttons to anchor the pockets/ties so they don't move around so much.

1. original dress - a little too long in torso and length
2. with pocket/ties tied in front, hits lower than my waist, not so great
3. with shoulders taken in (pinned just to see) - shortens the whole dress, fits better in armholes, brings the pocket/ties up to a better place
4. with sides buttoned up – like it even better
5. flipped around so higher neckline is in the front
6. with a denim jacket because for my climate/lifestyle, any sleeveless dress has to work with a topper … I have a similar white jacket that would work too

I'm pretty sure this is a keeper, but would love to hear any thoughts, inputs, comments.

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