I'm not sure if this is on or off topic! It isn't fashion but on the other hand, it's seriously impacting my ability to feel even a little bit fab.

For reasons I wrote about in an off topic post so won't go into here, I'm back to not being able to go into the salon for the foreseeable future. The first stretch of time like this was 8 months and I'm not going that long again without some kind of color treatment. Thing is, I'm 62 and I've never colored my hair myself.

I love grey hair but I'm not there yet. I love it when it passes the maybe 40% mark and I love it when it's paired with a fresh and stylish cut. My 20% grey and overgrown, not at all stylish cut (because I can't go in and get it cut either!) are just adding up to sad and tired, not fab. Also, I like having color in my hair for the added thickness and shine.

I'm tempted by Madison Reed because of the ingredient list (I have contact allergies and this doesn't contain my allergens). I'm also leery because I think it is permanent color and my hair stylist told me to only try semi-permanent. Has anyone tried this brand? Any inside info?

Also, any tips for choosing a color? And hints for actually doing it? Thanks for any advice!