These straight-leg jeans are not the most stylish thing in my closet, but I really like them. They're old paper-denim-cloth brand jeans, 100% cotton. I never hemmed them - they're really long. In this photo I have them cuffed to wear with my combat boots. (That's actually 4 layers in the cuff - I make one big cuff, then fold it up again. Less bulky than rolling.)

How long should these be for PPL? I wear them with flat boots, Converse, or my chunky sandals with a thick classic Dr Martens sole. I think they look good cuffed, but there's too much fabric now, so I should shorten them at least a bit. Should I go for floor-length in boots, then have the option of cuffing them shorter? Or leave them longer than that and always cuff them?

Bonus photo: the sandals, which I listed as one of my best new things of 2013, shown on me here with omg-so-90s scrunched wool socks and pegged jeans! Fashion tragedy or comedy?

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