Some more thrift store mirror selfies with the usual apology for the poor condition of some of the mirrors. Most of these feature a combination of newer (within the last year) and older finds.
1. Newly thrifted vintage Harari coat, presumably from the 90s. Never heard of this brand before I saw it. Actually, I have mostly learned about labels by first finding the piece then doing the research.
2. Newly thrifted velvet burgundy blazer.
3. Newly thrifted Takeo Nishida plaid blazer (it didn't look this crunched up in real life).
4. Everything here has been in my closet for longer than a year.
5. Newly thrifted Levis ribcage straight - this was a surprise to find and a surprise to fit. It has been a lucky year for me and Levis.

Overall a pretty good representation of my (very mild) winter dressing. Everything is second hand with the possible exception of the grey shoes in #2 - but I have had them so long I do not remember.
Comments, criticisms, question, suggestions, and thoughts all appreciated!

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