I like the Burberry coat quite a bit. I have a size 4. It will not be for deep winter, and I will be wearing sweaters under it. My reservations here involve my wide shoulders and short neck -- I would like to know if the coat looks like it's adding too much bulk and emphasizing these tendencies.

Tibi jacket. I know the mens-y plaid jacket is going to be quite a thing for this fall, but I think this one, in a size 2 is too overwhelming on a person of my 5'4" stature.

Veronica Beard jacket. This jacket actually fits me pretty well in a 4, IMO. However the bottom hem does not hang straight (something to do with the way the lining is sewn in), and I do agree with Angie that the yarn of the dickey looks a bit like cheap acrylic.

Nothing styled -- just wore with white for higher contrast.

Please let me know your thoughts. Happy shopping.

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