A period of tracking wears followed by a closet edit gave me a number of things to think about regarding my wardrobe. The most important one is this:

1. I enjoy my clothes and the creative process of putting outfits together.

A few principles I should keep in mind for future acquisitions:

2. I don't want any of my clothes or shoes to be too precious. I don't want to save anything because I might wear it out or ruin it in the rain or stain it or ... whatever. I want to wear virtually everything at least seasonally, if not year-round.

3. I don't like waste, but I'm not a minimalist. A certain amount of variety is important to me.

4. However, space is quite limited, so almost everything needs to mix and match, and fit my lifestyle.


5. Comfort and durability are key in both clothes and shoes.

So far, so good. But, as I've alluded to in previous posts, the last several month have included some major challenges on the personal/family front. Which leads me to:

6. I'm prone to indulging in retail therapy when I'm under stress.

That's a tough one to admit. I pride myself in being a frugal, smart shopper. But I overdid it this year pre-buying for fall/winter without fully assessing what I already had or if I needed anything. And even after getting rid of a number of items (mostly worn out) during the edit, my closet is at maximum capacity.


7. I probably shouldn't shop out of season.

8. I should avoid shopping as a way to boost my mood.

To treat this over-buying hangover, I'm going to challenge myself not to add anything new for the rest of the year. I've got plenty to work with, more than I need, and hopefully enough creativity to keep things interesting. Time to shop my closet.