Happy Weekend Ladies!

Doing some online browsing while I prepare dinner ... as you do.

One of the items I have had on my "maybe" list for Autumn/Winter is a pair of red boots.

If you have time I would love you to take a look at these two pairs. Both are leather, good heel height and reputable brands.

I am not sure if a tall red boot is too "in your face". For the most part I would see these working with blacks and greys.

What do you think?

Thanks for looking

And yes, I am on a boot fest But I found last year that I wore boots and not any of my 'shoes' throughout winter. So variety is kind of necessary.

xxx Deborah

ETA: links for bigger pictures:)

#1 http://www.styletread.com.au/tantrum-red.html

# 2 http://www.styletread.com.au/capper-red.html

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