Oh that is an interesting one Brooklyn.

You could do a Trinny and try it backwards? And make it a top.

I think the gold one will get another wear because it is timeless. I need a garden party or wedding to go too (I have nothing like that on the horizon). The blue one feels a bit dated as it is sort of a bandage dress style. Maybe I should try it with different shoes (I always used to wear with heels) and see if I can feel a bit more modern in it.

I do not feel sentimental at all about my first wedding to my first husband that ended poorly. My mom feels sentimental about it because she bought me the dress, then had it put in a huge archival box. It's been ...um.. 30 years now and I've been remarried for 15 and she STILL has that giant archival box because "maybe it'll mean something to your kids."

Maybe it will, my first got engaged tonight. But I don't think she will fit in it, neither will my second, they are both 4 inches taller than me. Am I glad my mom had the space to store my dress until now? Yes! I didn't.

I do not have the dress I got married in the second time. I decluttered it awhile ago. I guess I am not sentimental. I still have the second husband, and that's all that matters to me!

Congratulations to your daughter..... exciting!

The last paragraph made me laugh a little. And it sounds like if you had to choose the husband was a better one to keep than the dress!!

My wedding dress- which I could wear for any formal occasion if needed.

Also- guess I don't have pics in here yet, a skirt I sewed myself and a silver and opal bracelet I bought for my 40th.

This is such an interesting thread. I've held onto my wedding dress - a tea length lace flapper style that I thought I'd wear again but never have. I also have my grandmother's wedding dress (white but not a traditional style) which, when I used to fit into it, I wore to fancy parties. Nothing else...sigh. I wish I had a reminder of my mom but she was the opposite of a hoarder.