Oh, shopping in Canada *sigh* ... actually I know it's dire in many places!

So I ordered the Steven Madden boots (find 1) because I was not going to dither and dawdle and not decide, which is what I usually do.

First that they had an offer for a discount if you signed up for their email list. I received two codes which didn't work. I emailed customer service to learn the discount code could not be applied to the boots, which felt a bit bait-and-switchy, but okay.

After several days I had no shipping info, even though the (supposed) ship date had passed. On to customer service again, who said the order was ready to ship and I should receive a notice shortly.

Then I received an email saying my order was delayed to Sept 27. At this point I'd soured on the boots, so I emailed to cancel the order. No sooner had I hit send then I got an email to say, actually the boots were no longer available!!

Suffice it to say, those boots were not meant to be lmao!!

Today I found some Clarke's booties (photo) which came home with me. I've also ordered a pair of Naturalizer booties (photo 3) which are *supposed* to ship by the 18th. Hopefully one of these will work. I am leaning to the Naturalizers because they have a cleaner design, but I do like the first pair (and they are comfortable, importantly).

Patience is a virtue right Angie?!?!?!

Wish me luck with these two next options!

Bonus photo of my OOTD with the new handbag in action, at least that purchase worked

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