Loved the cartwheel in the Abbey! Thanks for the links, Patty and Julie.

Steph, thanks for sharing the link on Beatrice's fascinators and putting the style into context for us. Her hat makes perfect sense to me now! :).

I look forward to seeing more of Kate's sister, Pippa. I was blown away by her bridesmaid dress and her emerald green party dress. I also thought Kate's mom looked sensational at both events. My word, what a stylish family!

Angie, since you asked, here are two photos of my fascinator (mine is attached to a headband). I have worn it out to dinner several times. I bought it at Nordstrom.

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Ooh! That's a great one!!

Thanks, Steph! A fabulous facinator!

Killer cartwheels.

Ah, I see, Angie. Those devilish details again! I can see how that could have been done differently now.

Love the fascinator!

I am imagining my husband's reaction if I wore one. . . hee-hee. I am on the hunt!

love your fascinator steph! glad to hear you got it at nordstrom!

I also have a facinator with red feathers; I bought it off etsy. There are many styles and are really fun ... I got into them a few years ago after they showed up on Project Runway


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Oooooh, gorgeous photo and look at the adorable little flower girl in the foreground! Priceless!

Might I add--Royal dressing:
I love the family aspect of this pic!! They have a 150 room castle but dress together.

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That's fantastic, Patty! I thought I'd seen all the pictures but I'd missed this one! Brotherly love, huh?

Well this thread keeps on getting better :). Thanks, Patty!

Steph, I forgot to mention that I have a facinator like that too. Black and citron. My friend bought it for me last year as a 40th birthday present.

Mary K--and Prince Charles and Camila!---I had to look twice!

Good lord, you're right! Family togetherness, indeed!

I'm loving Harry's underwear!

Patty, unfortunately that photo isn't actually of the royal family. It's from this book You can see more photos of the look-alike actors from the book by doing a google image search for kate and wills up the aisle, and here:

I really liked Kate's dress, especially her train, and loved Pippa's dress.

Apologies if someone mentioned Sophie Winkleman already, but I thought her entire ensemble was absolutely stunning. The NYT won't let me download the photo, but check it out:

Kate___WHAT??????? Look-a-likes???????????!!!!!!!!!
I still want to think they all changed in the same room tho.

Fi, thanks for sharing the gorgeous photos of Joss Stone. Somehow I missed her in the whole proceedings. So festive and happy and bright! Love!

Patty, I cannot get enough of seeing those thanks for another chance.

Krishnidoux, thanks for the Slate link. It will be wonderful indeed if Kate's understated style begins a new era of elegance, and we can leave the era of beauty as defined by "hotness" behind!

Steffi...Yours is FABulous!! I would totally wear that!!
I want to see Angie's too.
If there is ever a YLF convention we should all get one and wear it!! wouldn't that be FUN!

taylor, i'm totally in on that!

i'm not surprised that the picture of them all getting dressed is fake although I do love it. i highly doubt they would have released that picture if it was genuine. i like to think they all got dressed together though. that what my bridesmaids and i did as well as my husband and his groomsmen.

I thought Kate looked beautiful and appropriate in her wedding dress. I also would have liked to have seen her with softer eyeliner and hair. But that's really just being picky because I thought she looked gorgeous nonetheless. I thought her veil was beautiful also.

Now, her second dress and hair I just LOVED!!! Perfection!!

Watched the royal wedding recaps over champagne with my mom for mother's day yesterday. I loved Kate's dress, veil and her accessories. Just beautiful! I remember watching Diana's wedding as a kid. Too much fun!