I got a chuckle out of sea-salt's half tuck story. I read it to my husband because he has expressed some iffy feelings regarding the half tuck, particularly on men. His comment just now was "I think you just have to sell it, but you have to sell it in your own mind first."
Like Helen, I got the pajamas reaction to my floral, jersey track pants at work and that was the kiss of death. I was already kind of feeling that, so it didn't take much to push me over the edge. To Una's question about YLF feedback being the kiss of death, it kind of is, but it does depend. When I asked about my shoe collection, the feedback was incredibly helpful in getting me to purge some that I needed to see in a different light, but I did buck the consensus on a few pair that I am keeping until styles shift. Still, the popular opinion was strong enough on my mind that I havent worn them since, with the exception of my nude ballet flats. (My own preference for them is strong enough that I am willing to wear them no matter what.). I usually really consider the source. I have a close friend who always teased me about my "witchy shoes" when I first started with that trend, but I knew that her eye hadn't adjsuted yet so I took the affectionate teasing for what it was. I also tend to take it as a compliment when people whose style is not up to date, express puzzlement over some of my choices. I feel like that must mean I'm on the right track. I am about to rock some people's world with some of my recent purchases!