Angie, certainly I could! I'd just have to switch to flannels for winter and silk leggings for winter, cotton leggings and salwars for summer; and possibly viscose leggings and more salwars for the monsoons. The rest of the time, skirts and dresses stay. Pants I don't have reliable ones, but when I did, I'd often prefer those to jeans some days anyway.

Right now I'm wearing a lot, I would say 4 times a week (all of them color denin)!

I pretty much wear jeans maybe 3- 4x a week. During the summer months, I start wearing much looser clothing like skirts and dresses though.

Angie asked what if she said no denim for a week. I think I either didn't get that memo, it was garbled in transmission, or I chose to ignore it.

I have no denim, but looking for a denim skirt.

Interestingly, I'm someone who skews to casual, but I am on the lower end of the denim spectrum. I wear denim 0-3 times/week. 2 of those would be jeans and the third my denim jacket w/ a dress. I could forgo denim for a week w/ no problems. I've only started really wearing jeans with any regularity at all in the last couple of years. I find them so hard to get just right.

I wear jeans 2-4 times per week (only on non-teaching days at work). But I'd be interested in a no-denim challenge -- sometimes I feel like I just reach for my jeans because I'm feeling too lazy to think of other options.

maybe once a week.

In answer to your question, Angie: I could and would do it, gladly, but it might take some ingenuity and the difficulty would depend on the time of year.

PLEASE don't ask us to do it in June because at the moment I have only one pair of usable shorts and summer skirt and both are denim!

Claire, in answer to you...I think jeans are for sure the toughest to wear in hot, humid weather. (Hot, dry weather is quite different.)

In our humidity I would never wear a jacket at night unless I was in an air conditioned movie theatre, and even then I might not want one. And even my denim skirt feels too heavy. I am looking for a fabric that might move in any (unlikely) breeze. Not something stiff.

Not for the entire summer. I am talking only about the 2 to 4 weeks when we get weather in the high 80s & 90s with high humidity. Remember that temperatures just do not fall at night appreciably in this climate. In fact, it can feel even hotter at night on those days. And if you don't have air conditioning and don't spend time in air conditioned places, the idea of a fabric as heavy as denim is horrid. Other people DO wear it—but they look awfully uncomfortable.

In fact, my husband (who originally comes from Massachusetts) once remarked that he's somewhat astonished at how popular denim has become in Canada. Realistically, it doesn't keep you warm enough in winter. And it's way too hot and heavy for summer! That means it's truly practical for about 4 months a year. Of course we all wear it anyway.

I could do it but it would be most difficult in the summer because nearly all my shorts are denim, as well as skirts, a dress and a vest. It would be hard to dress down an outfit without some denim.

No Denim for a week?

In summer, easy.

Other seasons, not without great effort. I don't wear dresses and have one fall non-denim skirt and one pair of corduroy pants.

This is one of those great introspective questions. I had no idea exactly how denim-driven my wardrobe was nor the seasonal basis for that. I guess I can give myself permission to spend money on denim. Hmmm, or maybe I need more non-denim as a balance?

Other than the humid summer months, I wear denim a few times a week (perhaps 3 days) - jeans or a fitted denim jacket that looks like a blazer. Oh, and very occasionally I wear a stretchy dark wash denim skirt with tights.

Well I am on team denim and wear denim 7 days a week in spring, fall and winter. I will mix up the washes but it's rare I'm not in jeans. Even when I wear a dress, often I end up adding a denim blazer to the outfit.

In the summer, I wear denim 3-4 days a week and switch off with Bermuda shorts in a trouser material or a summer dress. The heavy-ness of denim does not work for me on really hot days.

Edit to add: No denim for a week? I'd have to sit on the bench. I could wear no denim for a few days but not an entire week.

If I had to go without denim for a whole week, I'd need to go shopping first. But the thing is - I need to do that anyway, since the really hot temperatures are coming soon to a theatre near me, and I'm not prepared for it. Even just contemplating a denim-free week (which I'll need once it gets too hot) has me realizing that a lot of the things I bought for last summer were bought in a big hurry when the temperatures soared, and I was so busy with travel that I just grabbed 'whatever'. I don't like those 'whatever' pieces.

Hmm...very useful question/challenge.

New member here and this first post is very relevant to me! I wear jeans at least 4 times weekly during every season except summer, on the days I'm not at work. I tend to wear dresses or shorts during the summer because it's just too hot and humid here in NC. I don't own a denim jacket yet but would really like to get one. Will need instruction on what style to get!

In answer to your question, yes I could go without wearing denim for a week but only in the summer. Denim just works for my very casual lifestyle!

I could do no denim for a week so long as it is not the very coldest weeks of winter. I would have to be able to wear skirts (with or without leggings or tights, depending on the season) in order to be able to pull it off. The only non-denim long pants I own are one pair of pinstripe dress trousers (usually only worn for interview-like situations, does not fit perfectly) and my BR Martins.

Not wearing denim for a week?

I have enough dresses to do it easily but I really can't. I'm commuting by motorcycle today which requires jeans--I can't ride in a dress. I also need to ride on Friday for a women's motorcycle event. Another week I could do it but I wouldn't like it.

Denim in Texas is like the state dress code or something. 5-6 days a week in fall, winter and probably 1-2 days a week in spring and summer.

I wear denim most days of the week most of the year. Summer would be a good time to try a no denim challenge, skirts, linen shorts, sun dresses make for a nice change of pace. But sadly summer is so very short here.

Almost daily since I've retired, except in summer. Before retirement much less.

No denim for a week would be a piece of cake for me, as long as it were a work week. If it were a vacation week we might have a problem!

I wear denim daily, except in summer. Even then, I still wear denim shorts at least 3x a week.

To answer Angie's question--Yes, as long as the challenge takes place in summer. Otherwise, I'd end up wearing yoga pants for a week.

No denim for a week? I could do it, as long as it is a work week.

Wow! I read through all the comments. Thanks, ladies!

Hmm. To be fair we need a no-denim challenge now, and in Winter - including the weekend

Well, daily, but only once I'm home from work and walking the dogs. Not to work at all. On weekends also a fair amount around the house but I often wear dresses or skirts to go out. So seven days a week but with some qualifications to that statement.

I could do no denim on my off days. I commute in denim though.

I could totally do no denim for a week without a problem. Even easier in winter...i wear it a lot less then. I think we should do it!

But give us some advance warning so i get plan a bunch of denim outfits beforehand and get it out of my system. XD

Okay: let's do it, Angie - twice a year!

Great! The challenge is on after Bella's challenge

I'm up for the challenge!
For me, an even harder challenge would be no black for a week. I don't think I've ever been able to succeed at that!
Or, even more impossible: no denim AND no black for a week. I might just have to stay home!