You probably know that I experience a fair amount of churn in my wardrobe. I am trying not to buy on sale (or because something is on sale) to keep from amassing too many things to begin with, but even still, I wear fairly fitted clothing and my body changes; I like to stay aware of trends and my tastes change; and all in all, it's quite common for me to pass something on (typically to consignment) after a couple of years.

But in the last couple of weeks I've experienced the real joy of wearing something out. It happened with makeup: a mascara, an eye shadow pencil, and eyebrow gel -- I used up the very last bit of each one and then trashed the containers. Then, I got rid of a BR top that I've worn so hard it's just riddled with tiny pills and no longer soft. And my snow boots (probably 7 years old, maybe more) finally bit the dust yesterday.

I realized that I don't have this experience nearly often enough. It feels good to have used up all the life in an object before being done with it. When I told my husband, he said (like any good Marie-Kondo-aware man would): Did you thank your stuff before you threw it out? I didn't, but I really wish I had.