This forum post demonstrates a new feature we just launched. You can now start a new forum conversation directly from a blog post, and that new conversation will be linked to the blog post.

You can see the post I’m referencing in the blue box above. And if you go to that post you will see a link to this forum thread underneath it. That way the two are linked and it is easy discover new conversations, and to get from the blog to the forum and vice versa.

Check out the post in the blog to see how it works in more detail, and with pictures.

Please let us know if you see anything strange or if you have any suggestions.

ETA: There is one thing I didn't mention in the blog post because I wanted to keep things simple. When you use the "about" feature to create a new forum thread you can use any category, but only threads in the main categories will go onto the list at the bottom of the blog post. In other words, "Off Topic", "Style Exchange" and "Technical Support" conversations will not be listed below the blog.