I have long embraced my stompy boot (and shoe) loving self. Back in the 90's, I had combat and knee high (!) combat boots. Then I moved to a warm climate and got a little less angry with my dressing and let go of combat boots. The next phase I wore some clompy style shoes that were very comfortable. Then I thought they looked too masculine and let go of the super clompy shoes.
But that girl has been itching to come back, I guess, because I've been drawn to this style again.
Just a few weeks ago, I tried on some combat boots - a bit more refined than my younger self wore. If they had been a better fit, I would have kept them. I almost made a post a couple weeks ago talking about my love of bigger footwear. I just find it fits proportionally with my body. I am also in need of very comfortable shoes, not tennis shoes, and I find with the right fit, they can be a comfortable workhorse.
So that's my long way of saying - I'm onboard for you. I like them with cropped pants, skirts and dresses.