I have noticed that one if the few times l “get dressed”these days I.e, wear something other than fleece in attempt to not put the heating on,is when l go shopping.Also the mirrors are regularly cleaned (whoops!)and the lighting is better than in my house so l have made an effort to photograph myself when out and about.l know!l feel terribly millennial .
Here then is an eclectic bunch of photos from various shopping trips l have made over the last few months for your perusal.
#1- trying to decide if l needed yet another fleece.Apparently l did because l bought it!
#2 my shopping uniform
#3 My attempt to wear something other than my shopping uniform!
#4 +5 trying on dresses.
#6and7,fabulous menswear shop in my old home town where l grew up .The shop is very old ,wonky ,wooden beam ceilings and old fireplaces and the fashion is definitely not fast but quite distinguished.l rather fancied myself in a tricorn hat!and the deerstalker reminded me of Angies detective chic post for April fools one year.
#8A lovely shacket in anthropology yesterday ,quite dear though,what do you think?l am humming and haa-ing.Would be useful but as l said expensive .
Anyway l hope that you enjoyed coming shopping with me.Any comments or photos of your own shopping trips welcome.

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