Hi Tammy, when I first joined YLF, I wore t-shirts almost exclusively - with time, I've slowly transitioned to mixing things up ... more knitwear in the cooler weather, more blouses and different things in warmer weather.
The big change was intention ... I used to just default to t's because they were easy, affordable and safe. Now, I still wear t's but they are more part of a bigger wardrobe plan.
Why do you think you wear them all the time - is it because you don't know how to style your other pieces? Or maybe you need wash-and-wear style right now and your other pieces are too high-maintenance? Or you're just defaulting to your usual?
Then you can figure out a strategy - e.g. if it's styling, you could tuck your t-shirts away for a while and force yourself to play with your other pieces; whereas if it's the wash-and-wear practical thing, maybe you just need to get t-shirts that have more interest or detail to them so you don't get bored.
Once you can post photos, I'm sure you can get lots of styling ideas, etc. from the group.