Hey all! After a self-imposed low edit year and a bit (I have been known to over-edit), the time has come to do a bit of a clear out. It was an effective exercise and broke my "edit everything that's not perfect" compulsion, but my closet is feeling a bit unruly lately and having added some fresh pieces, I don't want to hold on to items that might be of value to someone else, if I'm never wearing them.

Anyhoo ... I could use a little help with the sweater category. I was light in this category and now have more than plenty. Here are my questions, for anyone game to give me a hand! The angle is terrible on these photos, I know! Squeezing this in between other jobs so was rushing.

1. I haven't worn this in ages, but I think it's worth keeping, since it's a classic style and I don't have much colour in my collection.

2/3. These I think I can let go of. They are sort of neither here nor there ... not oversized enough to be cool, not fitted enough to be sleek. The gray is just meh overall. The red is not a good colour on me (too orange). I have a burgundy cableknit in a similar fit to the red which I also think I can let go of ... but if I was going to keep one, it would be the burgundy because at least the colour in nice (I don't know what became of my photo of it!).

4. I have enough black sweaters, this one is a little faded and the mockneck in black is a little heavy on my colouring. Think it's a let go.

5/6/7 - The keepers. I probably have one more tan one than I need, but they are in good condition and some are slightly lighter weight for early fall late spring.

8. I like this sweater but the sleeve has a weird shape - a bit of a half-hearted puff. Think maybe keep but have it on probation?

9. These are my merino sweaters. The ink one is a turtleneck that is quite high and it's so itchy so I think that one goes. The three ribbed BR ones I like alot BUT the itchiness! Will this every go away??? I'm tempted to keep the blue, because I find the colour quite flattering that it's almost worth putting up with a bit of itch when I really feel like wearing that colour. But let the others go so someone else can enjoy them *sob*

So - anything I'm thinking of getting rid of you think I should keep? Anything I'm thinking of keeping that you think I should let go of? Thoughts on the striped one? Thank you so much! xoxo

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