The sky covers everything. How could any color not work with sky blue? The shape of Docs has always been a little awkward for me, personally, but they are incredibly popular, including with skirts & dresses. I’m looking forward to seeing them with that terra cotta skirt but really, I think you can toss them on with anything that has the right shape for them, and it will work.

As for posting, we all ebb and flow. Your posts get lots of interest, so aren’t too much

Love the colour! I’d wear them with other colourful things - orange, yellow, burgundy, lilac, grass green… patterned tops…

Rachylou: lovely suggestions, thank you. I do have something in a grass green that may work….
fash: yes, the shape of docs is not inherently flattering… I have to work hard to make them work for me to be honest. But I still love them…

I would pair these with black everything, denim everything, or anything with a cheerful floral. White would be lovely in a dress!
I have a bright orange pair of those docs that hang out with a casual orange sling bag and a scarf, as needed. Very useful with the dark denims I like, and the olives.
Rock on! Docs are very comfortable on me, if not super warm. Socks that match the rest of the outfit help with the look and the cold.