I was updating my profile here and realised how my style has changed and evolved gradually. There are many reasons this may happen for any of us:

  • Fashions change - and we are more influenced by trends than we realise I think
  • Ageing brings change in terms of preferences and body
  • Workplace or location or influence
  • A world pandemic
  • Sense of style and personal preferences
For me:

  • I used to be influenced by retro especially 50/60/70 styles - the 70s has stayed as a constant - but the 50/60 is no longer authentic for me. I am more into the dressy 70s look than the boho 70s look now.
  • I experimented for a year or two with more rock influences, but that didn't stick.
  • For a couple of years I tried a more avant garde look (in my late 20s) but that passed.
  • I also wore a bit of the "put a bird on it" Portland style in a NZ way for a while - but have moved on. I think that was trend related both moving to it and moving away....and I could get back into that look.
There's other styles that have never felt like me, but that's another topic. And just because I have moved on from a style doesn't mean anyone else should - or that I don't like the style on others. I am sure plenty of people are bored with dressy 70s looks but I can't see myself ever getting bored with them.

What styles have you moved away from?
Do you see yourself going back to any of them?