Oh this is so great!
Roll call! We’ve got our:
Stiletto Defenders (I’m seeing y’all with shoes at your hip, as opposed to your feet, lol, and Fabulous Hair blowing in the wind): Suntiger is our general... Bijou, Taylor, Brooklyn, Smittie and bj1111... I think y’all have just been drafted
Schoolhouse: Torontogirl - totally brings to mind the ‘school’ in Walking Dead. Very important.
Commissary and Stores: Jenn, Sal and their clipboards! Good thing y’all got cool heads... gonna need it to keep the calm and the stores intact!
Cooks & Cantina: Angie! Nemosmom! I think I can do y’all for some herbal teas and potatoes...
Doggy Brigade: So vital! Sam, and also Lilypup volunteers to be Hall Monitor! She will make sure you’re all inside come nightfall. It’s her specialty!
Rangers, Scavengers & Couriers: Angie (Angie is everywhere!), Xtabay, RunCarla, FashIntern, Smittie, brave souls into the wilderness!
Medics & Haircuts: Cardiff girl, Jenni NZ and Taylor. Oh yes, hair goes here. Good hair for good health and combat readiness
Innovative Solutions: Diana and bj1111. Because the ZA is Post, so we got to have lingering terminology from the Old Days... with sweaters. Lots of sweaters.
Knowledge Keepers: Suz and Keturah. Vital! Prepare to defend the books!
Armorer: Opaline. Critical. Can you make use of my soda-tab chain mail?