Nomad thank you so dearly! I really hope things begin to shift by summer. So we will see. I would love to have an autumn sister!!! I really do believe that what we love is often what flatters or expresses us. Not always but so so often! I’ve seen cases otherwise but not tons. Thank you for your encouraging words <3 I’m hoping your life’s comes back into lovely order soon. Sometimes the broken pieces make the most beautiful quilts when they’re all stitched back together <3

Kate it’s lovely to see you again too!! Thank you for the feedback about my colors and nice words about my skin and eyes! I do love autumn and it’s good to know it loves me back

Hi Jaime I remember you and it’s good to see you! Thank you for the perspective. I am slowly getting there. It took a while to accept the last 3 years and where things are. I will definitely keep playing with my autumn colors!! My hardest challenge is finding the more unusual colors in retail. i did find the elusive dark autumn orchid… in a bra. Of all things ha! Otherwise some of the colors have been very elusive to buy. May have to try dyeing once the is no longer chaotic!

Rejoiceandbe what a great user name!!! You hit the nail on the head. I really didn’t (don’t??) recognize myself. I’ve been heavy in other life seasons and they weren’t happy seasons, save pregnancy. So that adds another layer to it all. Thank you for the feedback and compliments on my outfits!! You’re the second person to suggest sending my husband out for clothes shopping. He’s actually trained as an artist though is in a different field. So I may have to try this!!

suntiger why hello there!! I remember you too! Thank you <3 it’s so nice to be here again! Not sure how regularly I’ll post. But I love being back!

Janet hi!! It’s so nice seeing you and all the regulars I remember again! Thank you for your encouragement and faith in the process! I really appreciate that! I feel better after getting some feedback. I will post again soon. But I think part of my issues is getting sucked into Kibbe all of last year. After that it felt like my new “comfort” outfits weren’t good enough.

Dear Keturah, I remember you so well. So sorry you are going through all this. Like the others I think that olive in #5 looks totally amazing on you. And also the rich browns! You have such beautiful eyes! You are beautiful and I hope the ideas the others have given you will help with how to shop xx

Hi Keturah

Late to this - but just wanted to welcome you back. It seems coming back here found be a great step to help in this stage of your recovery.

You deserve to feel good and look good - and you do look really beautiful in the pics.

You look lovely. Beauty is not a size.
I am sorry that you had those challenges and wish you a full recovery.
Your handknits are gorgeous, I think you had posted about them a while back.

Sal, I remember you as well!! Thank you for the lovely compliments. Posting here really did help me. Despite not being 100% thrilled, I also feel like okay -- I'm not as frumpy looking as I first thought.

Jennie NZ I also remember you I'm very thankful I posted here. It's truly been like reconnecting with a bunch of dear girlfriends over tea--very restoring. Brown is actually the one I have struggled with more; if it wasn't the right shade it just felt too boring. It took a style-minded friend pointing out that black makes me ruddy. I've actually never loved nor hated black. I wore it for many other reasons. Also, browns need to be really rich and special, not UPS delivery driver brown. Finding rich brown in basic tailored items like softly tailored, pleated pants has been difficult -- at least for where I can search and afford. Hoping I can sew something down the road, once the mold mayhem is done. (Will it ever be done lol?!)

Joyce B thank you dearly for all of that <3 I do love my knits. I think later this summer or autumn I'll reassess and perhaps do a little more knitting again.

I agree: re browns. They should be a slam dunk for DA, but not always. Best with texture or sheen.
I actually prefer black in general, but brown is much better with teal, blue, many greens, and purples- so I keep both.

I agree about sheen and texture. I also find the browns can’t be too cool. I don’t know why but if it’s a very cool brown it just makes me shudder a little inside unless it has some red or plum to it. (I just sound like a weirdo!) I found brown pants at Old Navy this winter. The color was named “fudge.” In real life they had this grey or silver undertone to them. It was deep enough but a very cool brown. Between that and just being an odd fit with an elastic waistband that flipped up, I ditched them 2 weeks later. Should have kept the tags and returned them!!

I certainly remember You, too-then and now a beautiful lady!:-) and I can relate (loosing myself from time to time due ilneess or weight fluctuation) but shall I say a style refresh/renewal will help to gain your confidence back. Try to see and emphasize your benefits (beautiful face, complexion and hair, feminine hourglass figure, etc.) rather than sticking with older dressing ruts which don't work for you anymore. Focus on one outfit at a time-take notes what you love or not wearing and start from there-one step at a time. It will quickly brig back your mojo, you know you are fab inside and out!

I see dresses love you- bet even a shorter shift/sheat will look fab on you+ layering can be fab on You! What about finding some skirts as well (tube with a BF blazer, pleated midis with fitted tees and denim jackets for more structure, denim skirts to knees with some hooded cardis, etc). I would all style them with on trend casual shoes, like sneakers& chunky loafers) and NOT HEELS-so dressing them all down a bit. Some girls here are trendy on bottoms and feet-, others can be more classic on top(&torso)-but trendy on feet. why not!

I'm so sorry you've been dealing with so many issues at once (technically not just health but the housing aftermath etc from the mould) - it sounds exhausting! We're in just under 500 square feet between 2 adults & it can feel cramped at times, so I can only imagine...

I know it's far from being the same thing but even when I injured my foot at the start of the year, I didn't feel like getting dressed properly a lot of the time - & that was just from having to be in 'Jesus sandals' on & off for about 3 *months* lol, not 3 years!

I'm glad to see you're feeling better enough about yourself to post outfits, though there's no obligation of frequency - we all dip in & out from time to time. Your makeup is lovely though (like @Jules said, you've got great taste & technique!) & it will be great to see some more fellow Dark Autumn inspiration on the YLF forum